Alsan® 072 RS mortar

Alsan®072 RS mortar is a highly-filled 2-component repair and levelling mortar based on methyl methacrylate resin and a formulated, activated filling mixture.


Alsan®072 RS mortar is used as a lean mortar or a gradient levelling mortar for subsequent Alsan® PMMA coating systems.


Briefly shake the resin component, then add all of it to the sand mixture. Then use a compulsory mixer to produce a smooth and homogeneous mixture (approx. 3 minutes), re-pot the entire mix and apply immediately.
Important – please note: the catalyst does not need to be added separately!


  • Summer formulation:
- 1.00 kg Alsan®072 R (resin component)
- 9.00 kg Alsan® 075 S (powder comp.)
= 10.00 kg
  • Winter formulation:
- 3.34 kg Alsan®072 R (resin component)
- 30.00 kg Alsan®075 S (powder comp.)
= 33.34 kg.

In the case of the 10 kg set the resin component is supplied in a tin bottle and packaged together with the powder component in a plastic tub. The 33.34 kg set consists of 1 metal drum (resin component) and 1 plastic hobbock (powder component).